The Dragon Within

I could be a Queen and, still fight like a Dragon . Some battles, cannot be fought by anyone else but us, while some beasts can only be tamed by us .

Do we need rescuing ? Yes, yes we all do .
We all have an army of fighters who, are also our loyal and, loved ones. Who, will give their lives protecting, and fighting for us but, there are a few battles, one needs to fight alone. Because, only we know how to win them and, overcome our fears.
Only we know, how to execute the plan of action and, only we know how and, why it is so important  for us, to fight those battles Individually.

Sometimes, only we can save ourselves from, the clutches of our own demons out there . And send them into exile so that, they never return back to haunt us.

You, could be a princess/prince living in the palace. whose, beautiful heart speaks for itself and whose kind nature overwhelms , who’s elite in every way and, eloquent speech lingers even, when you’re done addressing a gathering. And worthy, in every possible way.

Inspite of having all those qualities, your spirit animal could still be a dragon , fierce and striking , ferocious and, breathtaking.
You’d fight, for your kingdoms honor and, breathe fire at your enemies .
You’d die protecting every innocent being.
How can you stay locked in the tower? when the beast within you, tamed the beast living with you.

Some battles can only be fought by us, not with an army but, solely and independently because,
sometimes we need to learn to defend ourselves and, save ourselves.
There comes a moment, when only you can do that for yourself.

You don’t have to stay locked in the tower, waiting for the prince/princess , you can ride the dragon and go in search of them . They don’t have to wake you up from the curse because, you broke it when you believed in yourself and, fought for yourself.
He’ll kiss you and wake you up every morning, while you remind him, how much you really do love him.
And then you’ll live happily ever after.


lifetubeblog, recently nominated me for the blogger recognition award and I couldn’t have been more elated.
When I first started off with this blog, lifetubeblog was one of the initial blogs I started following and, it surely has some diverse as well as very enlightening content. Who, knows how keep the audience engrossed and  interested with every post of theirs.
I, always look forward to reading and, seeing what lifetubeblog puts up next . So please do check out their site for some really good content because, a lot of thought and effort is put into the posts and, work put up by this blog.

How did I start Blogging?

Starting this blog for me, was a big step . I did it because, I wanted to reach out to people and spread positivity, the best way for me to do that was by expressing my thoughts via my words .
I’m an introvert who’s heart has a lot to say and, I believe that by reaching out to people, it helps bring about a positive Change and there are so many people who, rely on different forms of art to help them in their difficult times.

I too often find it difficult to express myself and, in such situations writing and, put my thoughts into words has always helped.
So, this is a medium for me to reach out to someone else and, put my thoughts across hoping that, it does bring a smile on someone’s face or help them in some way .

Advice for blogger’s

I don’t think I could give any advice because, I’m still learning and all this is new to me , I started writing this blog just this year itself .
And everyone who’s blogs I follow and, read are so amazing, they’ve been doing this for quite some time and, each and every one of them has such diverse and lovely content.

Reading their work can really give you a broader perspective and, helps me keep myself updated as well pushes me to learn and write more .

What Does A Shy Heart Say?

A shy heart loves like no other , it promises to beat only for you, cherish and love only you .
Because, a shy heart takes it time to love and when it does, it doesn’t step back.
So we steal glances, while you don’t look, listen to your voice that resonates like music that, keeps us hooked .
We listen to your silence because, who else would .
And make sure you’re never crestfallen.
A shy heart is a cauldron of emotions.


Dear Kitty, has nominated me for the Real neat blog Award. Thank you so much for, the love and appreciation, it means so much to have someone notice you and, think that your blog is worthy of getting noticed out there.

This blog was started by me to help spread love and positivity. I’m still learning , trying to get better and, grow . So a big thank you, to everyone out there who, reads my work. I think all of you’ll are amazing and write so well and, I learn something new everytime I read your blogs . For someone who has just started off, I feel blessed to able to come across so many creative people who love what they do.

Dear Kitty’s blog has amazing content which is so enlightening and, informative. That’s something that drew me to their blog and, I look forward to the posts everyday. The content on their blog will keep you engaged as well give you some interesting content to read up about please do check it out . @

Here are the 7 questions I was asked by Dear kitty

Where do most visits to your blog come from?
From the WordPress App.

2. What is your favourite sport?

3. What has been a special moment for you so far in 2020?
Having the courage to finally put up this blog .

4. What is your favourite quote?
Love is like the wind , you can’t see it but you can feel it – Nicholas Sparks.

5. What was your favourite class when still at school?

6. Anything you had wished to have learned earlier?

7. What musical instrument have you tried to play?

Once upon a time

Sometimes, our fears live within us and , if we don’t overcome them , they may just overpower us. Learn to love and, accept yourselves the way you are because, only then can you expect the world to love and accept you . No one can tear you apart except, for yourself. So, be a little humble, a little patient and , little loving with yourself before your reflection sets itself free .

I’ll Be there

How do you tell someone it’s going to be okay?
You don’t ,because you never know if it’s going to be okay.
You tell them- it could get worse ,it could get better ,but I’ll stand by you and ,we’ll face the storm together .

Maybe it’ll be devastating, maybe it’ll just pass , but the only thing I assure is, you’ll have me beside you, I’ll hold you when you stumble , I’ll tend to you when you’re hurt , you take your time to heal and ,I’ll listen to you mumble , I’ll stick around till you get better.

In times like these ,it’s easy to lose hope but ,knowing you have someone by your side ,to help you endure all the pain and anxiety ,while you heal – is what we rely on . So hold on to those people , who – become our strength when we fall down and break.

Who listen to our silent cries and, heart breaks . Love them ,adore them, and don’t forget to do the same for them and , make the world a better place.

Life gives us more than one chance to make things right and turn things around by letting us see another Dawn. Make the best of it be the best version of yourself by opening your heart out completely.

We’re In This Together

The current  situation makes me realize how ,so many of us must be feeling broken and maybe even a little devastated. The changes happening around us, is catastrophic and difficult for us to come to terms to and, digest.

The physical pain is much easier to get over, as compared to , the emotional and mental pain we suffer . All of a sudden, everything seems upside down, even for the ones who are survivers and , can get through this period . Because they are the ones who, tend to absorb all the negativity around them and start feeling helpless about – not being able to to anything about a crisis , because we don’t have a solution as yet .

Our enemy, is a tiny entity that is wrecking havoc in our lives and hearts . Maybe we’ll fall down and hurt ourselves, some of us may even succumb to it . But what’s important is that we get back up , don’t give up , we don’t give up without a fight and, most importantly we come to each other’s rescue . Because we may not be able to stand together physically but we must come to each others aid emotionally.

It’s the only way we convey the message to our foe that- humanity is still alive and we’ve found a way to stand together . Yes we’ll feel better soon , yes we’ll be back to our natural habitat soon , we will get back to our usual lives but , first we’ll heal all the pain that’s been tearing us apart. We’ll tend to our scars that have left marks on our minds and hearts , so ..if you hear someone crying out in pain remember to stop and tell them , it’s okay , right now , it all seems insane , you cry , you scream and maybe take your time but ,we’re in this together and till then ,I’ll be there for you now and for a while.

Because for the first time we’re all feeling the same kind of pain and anxiety but we will stand together and reach out to each until the world heals unitedly.
All we have to do is have a lot of faith, be a little positive, show a lot of love and remember that there’s always hope .

Sometimes the very thing that destroys us to the core and devastates us , also makes us strong enough to rebuild ourselves
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