
Not every hero wears a cape Some make the world a safer place just by being there

Redrew one of my first original digital arts and posted it with a different perspective. A much simpler version to depict something symbolic.

We grow up admiring our favourite superheros because of the strength and special powers they possess, but as you grow up, you realise that real heroes don’t always wear capes and may not always come with the special powers you see in fiction, but rather, possess a different set of exceptional ability to make your world a safer place, they make you feel seen and heard . Their sheer presence, makes you feel protected from the chaos and adversities. Growing up, you come to realise that it’s not the powers that makes one an ideal superhero who stands out or makes them who they are. Rather, it’s their heart that harbours the ability to tether this unconditional feeling enough to make you feel secure just by being there .

We all have our versions of these exceptional silent superheroes, they could be anyone who is part of your life or just a kind stranger you met Along the way, whose existence makes you believe the world could be a safer place. This is my depiction.

Do tell me about your versions of an ideal superhero 💙.


What’s meant for you will come around,
what’s seeking you, will find its way to you.
On days when everything seems against you,
on days when it’s all blue ,
Remind yourself what a warrior you are, and how far you’ve come.
Remember to be kinder to yourself, especially during a storm .
You deserve the love from yourself, the one you keep spreading around .

Remember, to be gentle on yourself too.
You’re doing perfectly fine, you’ll make it to your destination in time .
For life’s all about chances and, you start by giving yourself one too .

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